Life Update | September 2024

Life Update | September 2024

How's pregnancy?

I am 34-weeks pregnant at the time of writing this blog. I won’t sugarcoat it. This pregnancy has been harder than I imagined. Between dealing with bad pelvic pain, managing gestational diabetes, and a couple of other complications, it’s taken a toll on both my body and mind.

Besides that, the denial of my sister's tourist visa to visit us has really saddened my heart. It was 5 years ago since I last saw her, and now I do not when will be the next time. But, despite the challenges, I’ve found some unexpected silver linings.


Over the past months, I’ve realized how I am used to everything going smoothly. But this pregnancy has shifted my mindset in profound ways. Instead of fighting against the struggles—whether it’s physical pain, emotional exhaustion, or unexpected limitations—I’ve started to learn from them. Life isn’t always perfect, and it wasn't always "yes and yes" from God and that's okay. Hardships have a way of teaching us to be content with what’s given, even when it’s not what we imagined. I am living in an imperfect body and a world of brokenness, and I’m learning to live in that space—trusting that it’s shaping me in ways I couldn’t see before.


Romans 5:3-5 “Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.”

How do you balance family, pregnancy, and work?

Balancing work and pregnancy hasn’t been easy, but it’s funny how being in the studio has actually become a form of therapy for me. I wasn’t sure how much I’d be able to handle with motherhood, pregnancy, and everything else going on, but carving out time for my art has kept me grounded. There’s something about the process—getting lost in colors and creativity—that helps me feel refreshed, even when my body feels drained. It’s almost like a mini escape from the constant discomfort.

What I have learned that helps me a lot, is to clearly communicate with my husband of what I need. In marriage, it is so easy to expect our other half to know what we need without communicating and then get disappointed when expectations are not met. I learned to tell Alex that it is helpful for me to have a dedicated personal creating time and space, and that I need breaks from babysitting. I tell him how hard it becomes for me to do certain seemly easy tasks around the house...

With clear communication and mutual understanding, Alex and I have been a better team than ever. I have been more productive than ever in my work in spite of a busier life. 


How is international student ministry? 

That being said, I’ve also had to make peace with slowing down in other areas, especially when it comes to local ministry. My heart is still fully there and we miss serving people physically, especially international students, but my body is telling me to rest and take a step back for now. We know it’s the right thing for this season. I’m trusting that God’s got us in this, and we'll be back again sometime next year. 


An international student event we hosted at our house earlier this year.

For now, I’m just taking things day by day. Some days are better than others, and I’m learning to be okay with that. I’m grateful for the little moments of joy and calm I can find—whether it’s quality time with family, a quiet moment with God in the studio, or just preparing for this little one’s arrival.

Thanks for letting me share! It feels good to get it all out there. Here's to these last few weeks and whatever comes next!

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